Saturday bath of a Yellow Robin

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Araminta's picture
Saturday bath of a Yellow Robin

After a beautiful, sunny day, a little Yellow Robin needs to have a bath before going to bed.

Araminta's picture

YES, I was able to figure out how to post more than one photo this way, (new to me). Thanks again for putting up with me trying to do this.


Araminta's picture

Hi everyone, I think I found a nest of the Yellow Robins, not too sure though? Have seen one of them fly into a bush, she had some worms in her beak. That chould only mean "babies"? Will have a look tomorrow, it's getting a bit dark now.sad


Karen's picture

Lovely pics M-L.  I've only ever seen these once and am always on the lookout to see more.

Brisbane southside.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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