Sea-eagle chicks rescued (eagleCAM)

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Holly's picture
Sea-eagle chicks rescued (eagleCAM)

Not sure how many of you may have seen the dramatic events at the BirdLife Discovery Centre that has occured over the last few days. Our sea-eagle chicks had become tangled in fishing line (and turns out one had swallowed a hook). First attempt failed but a cherry picker yesterday managed to reach them and the recovery attempt was successful. One chick went back on the same day and the second one was at the vets overnight but popped back on the nest today.

Great story online (and with radio interview) on ABC radio



Great news Holly.

Woko's picture

Yes, great news, Holly. Will this story be circulated among the fishing fraternity with the aim of encouraging them to be more responsible with their gear? I've been appalled at times by the rubbish left behind by fishing groups in the Coorong & other places.

Qyn's picture

Fingers crossed that S3 recovers well from this with no infection. Amazing how well these eaglets seemed to handle this adventure.

"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."

Holly's picture

Yes Woko there certainly is a really strong education message that comes from this misadventure.


It was certainly nerve wracking at the centre on Monday as it was all happening. I had wanted desperately to go into the woodland to watch but I didn't want to get in the way - there was also that big pile of work that I had sitting there to get through...

Windhover's picture

I was so sad to hear the interview, but relieved at the outcome. Just fantastic and fingers crossed for the little dude! :-)

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