Shorebird ID Sheet

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ihewman's picture
Shorebird ID Sheet

For those who struggle with identifying shorebirds, here is the pdf.doc to the Australian Shorebirds Identification Sheet produced by WWF. This is a fantastic booklet with great illustrations and annotations for each species (the illustrations are better than most field guides, especially Morcombe's). I always have one in my birding backpack...,d.dGI

dwatsonbb's picture

That is great thank you very much, very helpful.

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

Holly's picture

Further to this - BirdLife have just released a Shorebirds app (iphone only atm) - its totally free. You can get it at the itunes store.


Rick N
Rick N's picture

Thanks for the link, will come in very handy.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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