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Rick N
Rick N's picture

Have no idea on these shorebirds.

Taken near Arno Bay, eastern Eyre Peninsula on the weekend.

timrp's picture

I think they're Ruddy Turnstones.

pacman's picture

yes, Ruddy Turnstones - those orange legs, white belly, black beak are the indicators - my pic from Lady Musgrave Island Qld


Rick N
Rick N's picture

Thanks Tim,Peter. Can you help with this one?

Doesn't look like Sandpiper to me but not sure where else to look.

timrp's picture

I'll go with a Red Necked Stint.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Had a bit more of a look after posting and thought maybe Great or Red Knot

but agree Red Necked Stint looks close as well.

Lachlan's picture


Shorebird season is here!sad

timrp's picture

Do you say no because they are hard to identify?

Lachlan's picture

Yep, they're had to ID, and I'm no good at it. 

Went to Fraser Island at the start of last year and still haven't managed to ID all the shorebirds I saw there... 

pacman's picture

Lachlan I have some pics from 2 years ago that I am studiously avaoiding.

I have agreed to particpate in a wader count this year hoping that I will improve on ID

I have also brought my spotting scope to Mackay


emmab110's picture

Look a like ruddy turnstone 

sue818's picture

There is hope as I am definitely getting better but close-up shots help. Good pics of Ruddy Turnstones and the Rednecked Stint.

I take plenty of shots from different angles and try to capture a flight if it occurs. Also a comparison shot for size helps as that can be difficult to judge later. One tip I have found useful is that Sanderlings have no rear toe. I consider IDing shorebirds my homework.


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