Hi Greyson, don't think it is Zosteropslateralis (the Tasmanian Form), as the throat appears to be too dark/green. I am thinking Silvereye zosteropslateraliswesternensis.
The Michael Morcombe app shows them as south eastern Australia, including southeast Queensland. I know they are migratory, and the app doesn't give much detail about that.
Hi Greyson, don't think it is Zosterops lateralis (the Tasmanian Form), as the throat appears to be too dark/green. I am thinking Silvereye zosterops lateralis westernensis.
Have a look at images on this site.
Always hard to separate some sub species, and as always happy to stand corrected.
Love the photo by the way.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Thanks for the ident. So, it is still not usually found in Queensland (I mean, it's a bird on holidays)?
The Michael Morcombe app shows them as south eastern Australia, including southeast Queensland. I know they are migratory, and the app doesn't give much detail about that.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
It was its brownish sides that made me think of the Tasmanian variety.