This looks a very australian scene with the silvereye and bottlebrush ... but I took them in my mothers garden in the bottom of the south island of NZ.
My NZ bird book says the Maori name for them is Tauhou meaning 'stranger' as the silvereye appears to have started colonising NZ around 1830 from Australia. It also says a small flock was recently sighted from a ship 600km east of NZ - destination unknown!
Brilliant photos mate, im in awe of you guys who get some greats snap of these little birds
Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well
Just out of interest, they would most likely be the Tasmanian race (lateralis) judging by the chestnut-brown colour on the flanks... unless there is another race in NZ?
Brandon (aka ihewman)
Yes you are right - they are lateralis (according to my book which only lists that one race)
Hey, give them back Gorgeous close-ups Whistling Duck. These little guys are such lovely birds, noisy for such a little bird when they're all feeding .
West Coast Tasmania
Great capture!
Thanks for the comments ... I also saw flying, in the Dunedin NZ Botanic Gardens, an Eastern Rosella which were introduced in early 1900s