While visiting a friend in South Australia I wandered down to her fig tree and captured the most delightful photos of these silvereyes. What a lovely little bird.
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Thanks for sharing Wollemi, one of my favourite little birds.
I travel through Kingston often, might have to keep an eye out for that tree.
I would tell you where it is but it is on private property out of town.
Happy Birding!
Very photogenic bird. I remember distinctly when I saw my first one. Readily distinguishable from other birds.
Samford Valley Qld.
Reflex, I agree, when I saw these guys I had not seen silvereyes before, but had heard of them and probably saw some pictures somewhere along the line, I knew these must be silvereyes. The field guide confirmed.
Happy Birding!
Lovely photos, he looks like he can't believe his luck finding that fig for lunch ... Very cute little birds.