Silvereyes, Kingston SE, in South Australia.

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Wollemi's picture
Silvereyes, Kingston SE, in South Australia.

While visiting a friend in South Australia I wandered down to her fig tree and captured the most delightful photos of these silvereyes. What a lovely little bird.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Thanks for sharing Wollemi, one of my favourite little birds.

I travel through Kingston often, might have to keep an eye out for that treesmiley.

Wollemi's picture

I would tell you where it is but it is on private property out of town.

Reflex's picture

Very photogenic bird. I remember distinctly when I saw my first one. Readily distinguishable from other birds.

Samford Valley Qld.

Wollemi's picture

Reflex, I agree, when I saw these guys I had not seen silvereyes before, but had heard of them and probably saw some pictures somewhere along the line, I knew these must be silvereyes. The field guide confirmed.


Lovely photos, he looks like he can't believe his luck finding that fig for lunch ... Very cute little birds.

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