Small bird - Wren?

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Small bird - Wren?

Doesn't really look like a Fairy-wren, besides the tail? Been stumped on this one for a while....

darinnightowl's picture

I still think its a wren just fat and happy!

See it!  Hear it!

Mid-North Coast NSW


Superb fairy-wren? Certainly *a* wren, but something not quite right about it - anyone else? :D

Woko's picture

Hi lorikeet. It would help if I knew where the photo was taken but at this stage my best guess is a male white-winged fairy-wren in non-breeding plumage. Was your photo taken in white-winged fairy-wren territory?

Araminta's picture

As Woko said, it would be good to know where the photo was taken.Could be one of a few different  female Wrens. All the juveniles start out without the red mark around the eye. Let's start with the location?



Apologies for that - it is the central coast of NSW so I believe negative on the White-winged variety. The lack of red around the eye is what got me stumped.

Araminta's picture

I just had a look through my wren photos. I now think it might be a male eclipse of a Superb Fairy-wren. If you take the few blue spost off my male that is changing into it's breeding colours, you can see no red around the eye and a dark beak. (If you have a close look at your wren, there could even a few little blue speckles starting to form around the eye?)


Holly's picture
I think you are right m-l, I think it is a male superb fairy-wren in eclipse plumage. The dark tail and beak is the giveaway. Female and juvenile fairy wrens have the red eye ring too.

Good pick up, and superb photo! My low quality photo certainly doesn't make it easy. It did just look like a more distinct edging of the white chest with the brown, but my picture is deceiving.  Thanks everyone for the comments!

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