Small, red beak, red crown - no photo and no idea what it is :(

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Geniusloci's picture
Small, red beak, red crown - no photo and no idea what it is :(


I'm about 30km north west of Brisbane CBD, at Cashmere, in the bush ("sclerophyll forest").

At about 6am this morning a small bird came to the birdbath. It flew in had a drink and then went to sit in the sun too far away (annoyingly) for my phone to get a picture.

It seemed to me like this:

  • Quite small (perhaps no more than 10cm I judge)
  • short(ish) red beak (well it at least had red on the beak)
  • beak did not seem "thick" more delicate I would say
  • red crowned (like a crimson chat)
  • The chest "light grey" (no red)
  • belly was red (not bright red more like a "red flush")
  • red flash on the tail in toward the rump.

Any ideas?  I could not find anything in my very small library of bird books.  Then again, trying to accurately capture in my mind the vital features that would aid identification without a photo is much harder than I would have thought!



Woko's picture

Try looking in your field guides among the finches or firetails, Ron.

Geniusloci's picture

Hi Woko,

I'm going to try and get a photo tomorrow...I'll post it if I'm successful.

And yes, I'll look at the finches and firetails...



timmo's picture

Sounds like a Red-browed Finch to me...


Devster's picture

I was thinking the same as Tim. Any conformation yet?

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