So sad to hear that this great Aussie conservationist was killed yesterday. Used to love watching his docos.
Perthwings you are sure to know of him, coming from the other side of the world ..... by the way... I meant to say to you, you do realise that the universe is centred in Sydney don't you? (just kidding) Maybe that is why no one has heard of the Mallee Fowl. When I lived in Perth I used to find that all the time with a Head Office based in NSW.
Anyway I am told the ABC has a tribute on their website to Malcolm Douglas if anyone is interested.
Oh how sad... I can't find much on the net about him that is recent. I don't get commercial channels where I live so I have to rely on the ABC or the net. Poor dog, that would be terrible. Man, I just watched a flashback on his life and he was a real wild man that is for sure, sad to lose one of the characters of the bush as well as a key conservationist.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
A real shame that is, it's still pretty amazing that after being told he had 18 months to live in '04 he still lived for 6 years. At least passed away in the place he probably loved the most, the wild.
Very sad,not only was he everything people have said above he was respected by people of the real outback because he respected them,yes he was a wild man and outspoken but above all else a gentleman RIP
thank you for the way you supported the animal side of your documentorys.a sad day for the ones around you.
just think of the camp fire yarns malcom and steve will be having.
I remember watching Malcom's docos growing up, used to wait eagerly for on a Saturday night, really fueled my interest in the bush.
Sydney people do think the world evolves around them Birdie, you're right!
Oxalis is not my friend
Sunshine Coast Queensland