Storing other people's pics

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Meave's picture
Storing other people's pics

Does anyone mind if I keep some of the photos other people post on my own computer? I don't mean to send them elsewhere, just keep to look at and help identify birds for my own information. It's easier to have them on my own computer than to have to go and hunt for one I think I remember seeing on the forum. If you object please let me know.


No problem on here Meave.


If I ever post any photos then I'm more then happy for you to keep them for that purpose.

Meave's picture

Thank you cath&shane and Amatuer, I appreciate that.


Owen1's picture

I don't have a problem with my pics being saved. Go ahead!

Cheers, Owen.

Woko's picture

Wish I had some for you to store, Meave. Still saving for my Hot Shot camera with tripod.

Meave's picture

Thanks Owen. Woko, have you tried a monopod? Tripods are great if you are in one place and don't have to move the camera, but monopods are easy to carry around, attach and detach, and also cheaper! If you have to save for the camera too it makes it a lot harder though ! Bob bought his when we retired and he sold the ute - used half the money (which wasn't as much as you might think, it was an old ute) for the camera.


birdie's picture

Meave, there are a few people on here who would take exception to that I believe. You have to remember copyright rulings and respect that unfortunately. I would have no objection to you checking on my Flickr site but I personally don't think it should be openly accepted that it would be OK to do take pics to your own computer. The only time I have done it is when I am reposting for someone and cannot get into their web host account and when I load to Flickr I then attribute that pic to the other person.
Do you know how to use the search facility on the forum here? If you go to search and out in the name of the bird you think you are looking at then you will find a quick list of relevant posts to check. I also find that most people use the birdfinder on the actual Birds in Backyard website to be useful.
I hope this helps and I mean no offence at all, just a bit of advice as we have had discussions on these matters before.

Woko you don't need a hot shot camera and tripod to be proud of your shots!! Yes it makes a difference and there is no arguing with that ... my mono does a great job ($100) and the 1000D is what I am stuck with but it does OK :')

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Meave's picture

No offence at all Birdie, that's why I asked. I won't keep any pics of anyone who hasn't sid it's okay - I wouldn't forward them on in any case, and even on my own computer I have attributed them to the person who took the photo. Thanks for your feedback, and I won't keep any photos unless I am allowed to.


Araminta's picture

Hi Meave,I would like to make one comment.I don't see the need for myself, you or anyone to store other people's photos. I do NOT like my photos to be used for any purpose other than the enjoyment and pleasure to look at them here on the forum.I'm very sorry, if that sounds harsh,and hope nobody is offended by this!?

(I have one question, how will you remember, who said "yes", and who said "no"? Am I missing the point here?)


Araminta's picture

Sorry Meave, me again.I just read what you said earlier. I noticed, you were saying:--even on my own computer I have attributed them to the person who took the photo--
So, you have already stored some people's photos ?
I repeat,even if other people disagree with me,I do not want my photos stored.



[q]I have one question, how will you remember, who said "yes", and who said "no"?[/q]
I would imagine that Meave could refer to this thread if she was wondering who was okay with the storing of their photos.
[q]I don't see the need for myself, you or anyone to store other people's photos.[/q]
She stated it was for identification purposes.

Araminta's picture

Sorry to tell you this, none of the above is relevant. This is a very serious topic, that obviously needs more discussion!! First it has to be said: "Everything" put up on any website is classified as "Publishing", so, "Publishing Laws" apply.
This is "not an ethical or private issue"- it's the Law. Intellectual Property Laws and Copyright Laws.
As much fun as this forum is, there are rules that have to be followed.This issue has to be cleared up!



10.2 There are a range of exceptions that enable the exercise of certain copyright rights without constituting copyright infringement. They may be raised in answer to a claim of infringement. The most important of these exceptions permits 'fair dealing' for certain specified purposes. A fair
dealing with a copyright work, sound recording, film or broadcast will not amount to an infringement of copyright if done for the following purposes:
• research or study;
I would consider the use of photographs for identification would be under research/study and therefore an exception. I imagine though Meave certainly would not take anything from anyone who says no to their photos being stored - the whole reason of the thread in the first place. I also don't see how my above posts are irrelevant considering you were asking questions that were answered.

Araminta's picture

Amateur, I don't know, where you copied those exceptions to the law?? I can tell you, my son represented just recently a musician against an advertising company, that had used his photo.I won't go into any details, major compensation!Stealing Intellectual Property.! His girlfriend works in advertising, she is familiar with all the laws that apply.

Photos published on any website are not to be used for Any purpose! (not even for identification, or anything else!)

It would be to the benefit of all of us, to clarify the issue!


birdie's picture

We have clarified it once before and the discussions got very heated and personal... I don't see a need for it to go that way again. The photographer owns all right to the shots Amateur and the same goes for Flickr shots if it is set up right . Meave asked on here to avoid any problems and I am sure she was not trying to open a can of worms or had any ulterior motives for doing so.
Remember that she could have just gone ahead as I am sure many do albeit it illegal Marie-Louise, so lets just cut her some slack here huh?
Take a chill pill :')

Sunshine Coast Queensland


It was from a short guide about the copyright laws in Australia. However this is directly from the Copyright Act 1968.
"A fair dealing with a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, or with an adaptation of a literary, dramatic or musical work, for the purpose of research or study does not constitute an infringement of the copyright in the work."
Your example isn't in relation to this rule of the fact that artistic work can be used for the purpose of research or study (which I consider it is for the use of identifying birds), sure if the person is going to go around flaunting around other peoples work around everywhere then they can expect to get in trouble, such as an advertising company using someones photo for purposes OTHER then research and study without permission well then it isn't an exception to the law. However for the use Meave intended for the photos 'research and study' by my understanding of the law it is therefore exempted from the Copyright Law and not an infringement.

birdie's picture
Read down to where Holly has given her answer .

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Araminta's picture

Yes birdie, after I said this to Amateur.You are wrong about Art work!!!! As an Artist my son is more than familiar with those laws. Art/Intellectual Property falls under a different law: Arts law.
Now, end of story!



A fair dealing with a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, or with an adaptation of a literary, dramatic or musical work, for the purpose of research or study does not constitute an infringement of the copyright in the work.
artistic work means:
a painting, sculpture, drawing, engraving or photograph, whether the work is of artistic quality or not.
This is directly from the Copyright Act 1968. There is no offence committed against copyright law should a person want to use the photos for identification purposes once again based on the assumption that identification purposes are considered study and research. Fair dealings are exempt from copyright law, therefore there is no consent even required provided the photo is being used for research and study.

Woko's picture

Thanks birdie & Meave. I'll take a look at Ms Woko's camera which languishes in the back of somewhere or other. I think it's got a much better up close & personal button (sorry to be so technical) than the Sony pocket camera I use to photograph not only pockets but also plants, butterflies & other creatures that stay put for a while (unlike birds).
The idea of a monopod sounds interesting, Meave. Perhaps it was you who posted about the monopod a while back. It'll sure beat using an arthropod. I'll check them out at a monopod store. But I might need to decide whether I want to sit & contemplate with a tripod or wander around with a monopod.

birdie's picture

Woko I thin we have all had a go at posting about them, it was GeorgeP I think that got me interested and when I first bought it it sat in the cupboard for a while. I do not own a good tripod just a very wobbly light weight one which is useless anyway. I have found the mono easier to take with me and just hang from a backpack and even carry in my hand to have ready. Or I often just leave it attached and slide up the top leg segments for portability then you can drop them down easily and slowly so that you do not disturb the subject . I use a Slik Lightypod which I really love, it is sturdy and lightweight.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Araminta's picture

Hi Woko,thanks to birdie's advice, I bought a Slik Lightpod.Using it takes a bit of practicing.Walking around the kitchen for a few days, qickly and quietly unfolding it. It frightened the dogs every time I did it, they started to hide under the table when I got the monopod out.I now have graduated from the kitchen to the outside world.(maybe they should have kept ME in the cupboard?)


Meave's picture

I didn't expect to cause such a problem on the forum - I am so sorry to have upset people. Answer is simple - I will just not keep any photos. I do enjoy this forum and apologise for the agitated discussion I have caused.


Woko's picture

Thanks birdie & Araminta for your information about the Slik Lightpod. I'll investigate.

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