newby alert hope this works :)
Peaceful Dove
Female Satin Bowerbird
Blue Faced Honeyeater (photo taken through flyscreens)
Male Red Rumped Parrot
Female Australian Hobby
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Woo Hoo it worked :P except for the T in Toowoomba :P
Sacred Kingfisher
Female Superb Fairy Wren
Male Superb Fairy Wren
Female Australian Hobby
Nice photos, you've got some beutiful birds in your backyard, especially like the Sacred Kingfisher.
Not bad going for a "newby" LOL
You have a nice variety of birds out your way
Sunshine Coast Queensland
You must have a terrific backyard to have all those birds!
wow impressive back yard and congrats on being able to post pics first go!
love the kingfisher. the hobby is a majestic bird I have never seen before, thanks for sharing and keep 'em coming!
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best
Thank you - yesterday was soooo exciting a Red Winged Parrot showed up - it reminds me so much of a McCaw when it flies