Sparrowhawk or Goshawk?

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pacman's picture
Sparrowhawk or Goshawk?

@ Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, ACT today

Owen1's picture

Brown Goshawk Peter.

Bulkier, rounded tail and thickset brow.

Cheers, Owen.

pacman's picture



darinnightowl's picture

Peter   you are always on the move , were to next?

See it!  Hear it!

Mid-North Coast NSW

pacman's picture

I was to go to Collaroy after my annual leave but was asked to come to Canberra for 6 weeks.

I think that will run out to 8 or more weeks.

I am not sure if I then go to Collaroy or elsewhere.

Our organisation is investigating a new centre in Mossman, Qld and I have already said that I will go there for 6 months.

(for those who haven't heard of Mossman, Qld I am happy to say that it is the southern end of the Mossman-Daintree Road)

That is the long way of saying I do not know but it will be in Qld, NSW or ACT.


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