Spotted Harrier (nearly nine months in waiting)

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Windhover's picture
Spotted Harrier (nearly nine months in waiting)

I initially came across this gorgeous raptor species near Castlereagh on January 8 this year. I tried hard to find it day after day, week after week, month after month. But finding a needle in a haystack is perhaps a little easier. I had instances when I drove out from my friend's place one morning without my camera and had the bird next to my car on the nature strip near the main road. Then only two weeks ago the same thing happened, again sans camera. So while I tend to think I always take my gear when I go out with my dogs for their daily run, I opted NOT to take it thus the best chances came those two times. Spewing was about as mellow an expression as I could recite here.

Then two other mornings it flew straight over my car, when I had the camera, but at this spot the car cannot be stopped. The bird kept flying anyway, away from me.

However, yesterday morning, it all came together. I saw it come, I chucked a U-turn, then  "chased" it over suburban backyards in Cranebrook for about five minutes.

See my blog post for more of the story.

Karlbob's picture

Well worth the wait, and the chase. ;)

Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

Woko's picture

Veeeerrrry nice, Windhover. I'm interested that it frequents backyards. I assume that there are open paddocks/grasslands nearby.

Windhover's picture

Yes Adrian, the entire lakes complex with around 2,000 plus hectares of fields and lakes is about 1km from where the bird was photographed.

sparrow's picture

And you nailed it ! Great shot.

What a stunning looking bird.

We all know the frustrations of missed opportunities (no camera) and the words mutered under breath when they just seem to vanish into the bush,which makes it all that much sweeter when it does all come together, well done !

Owen1's picture

What a great result Akos!

Cheers, Owen.

soakes's picture

Brilliant photo, windy.

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

sue818's picture

What a stunning photo making your dedication well worth it. A beautiful bird. sue 


Amazing shot Akos. Your patience paid off.

Windhover's picture

Thank you for looking everyone. My friend who lives at the quarries told me it was in the same area at the same time yesterday morning (carried a swamphen) and this morning (hunting). Very cool!

Araminta's picture

I looked at this photo a few times, sorry Akos, thought I commented, but I hadn't. It's good to observe a bird in nature, but looking at a great photo like this one, allows you to take time to see all the details and enjoy them, thanks.


Karen's picture

Oh, so beautiful!  Well worth the patience.

Brisbane southside.

Nahar's picture

What a brilliant shot ! The details in the feathers and the eyes - perfect. Well done.

ScottTas's picture

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Surely one of our most stunning BOP. Great shot, glad you got there in the end :)



GeorgeP's picture

You must be happy with this one Akos. Beautiful underwing detail that you've captured.


Melbourne, VIC

marionwil's picture

Very very nice. I agree with all the above!!


Brisbane Northside

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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