Had some focusing issues trying to capture these images of a Striated Pardalote at Eagleby Wetlands. The little birds were stressing out over a larger bird getting too close to their home in the side of banks on the Albert River. Terrific little bird.
These little ones can be hard to focus on especially when they are in the perfect spot, but you have captured some great moments there with the beak open/food in its mouth/front on view etc.
Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera
Even with the focussing issues, you still got beautiful shots of those sweet little birds!
Thanks Ryu. Have had focusing problems both times I have come across this species. (The first lot were diabolical ...) Just adds to the challenge of getting it right! Cheers.
Lovely photos - sure are cute little birds.
Cute is the word and giving you the eye in the last shot. Thanks for sharing.
Cracking shots of a beautiful little bird
Certainly can relate to the focusing issues but well worth that frustration
Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well
Thanks All!
Agree with the others, still very lovely photos. I think we have all had and still do have trouble focusing on days. Mines usually at work, Different kind of focus though. lol