Suggestions on where I can get chickens?

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kathiemt's picture
Suggestions on where I can get chickens?

This is birdy but not the birds we've been watching.  So I hope it's ok to post here.

I live in the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges (Victoria) and want to purchase some chickens. We've just had a large pen built here so that birds can feel like they're free ranging, while being kept safe from foxes and raptors.

I was planning to go buy them at a place in Emerald but at the poultry forum someone has suggested the place I want to go to isn't good and another local breeder I've spoken to (who doesn't have the type of chickens I want) also said they weren't good to go to. But I have a daughter who has purchased two chickens from them and they're fine and healthy.

Just wondering if anyone here keeps chickens, particularly in Victoria, and if you know of places I can go to, to buy varieties of chickens. We only want 6, 2 of 3 different breeds.

Araminta's picture

Hi Kathie, I don't know what place in Emerald they are talking about? My daughter has bought her chooks from Abundant Layers 44 Paternoster Rd Emerald. But after the neighbour's dog killed two of them, she bought some more special ones here in Gembrook. He is just outside of Gembrook. I will have a look at the address when I drive past this morning and let you know.He has a rare breed.


sparrow's picture

The best way is to go there and have a look for yourself ,if its clean and well maintained and the chooks look happy and healthy,and they have what you want then grab some.

My wife hates the idea of loosing any of her girls but has said when they do go she will be looking for some of the older breeds to replace them, for the moment she is happy with four layers and two Silky Bantams ,bo and jangles,(silly looking things)but she loves them.

Night Parrot
Night Parrot's picture

Sparrow's mention of bantams is worth considering. There are many different breeds of bantam and I think they are a good choice if you have limited "free range" space and if (large) egg production is not a priority.

Araminta's picture

My daughter has two bantams, are they the ones that lay those tiny blue/greenish eggs? If yes, I love those small eggs.

I wouldn't listen to much to the poultry forum, they will most likely use their chooks for showing, rather than eating ?(the eggs ,or the chockswink)

Will let you know about the other place .


Night Parrot
Night Parrot's picture

You're not thinking of quails are you Araminta? I didn't know bantams laid blue eggs. Now I'm not sure myself. I know that some bantams are just  dwarf chooks but there are others that are bantams in their own right.

Araminta's picture

I might be wrong, I will have to ring my daughter tonight and ask her which ones of her chooks lay those tiny blue/green eggs.


kathiemt's picture

Yes, Abundant Layers. We were there last year with our daughter and son-in-law and the place was clean and tidy and not smelly and the birds looked healthy.  And yes, we only want them for eggs, and as pets, so our grandchildren can collect the eggs (and me too smiley) and to eat our kitchen scraps.

I think we're going to get 2 x Laced Wyandottes, 2 x Australorps and 2 x lavender Auracanas.  Really looking forward to it. Have been in touch with the people in Emerald and they are wormed and vaccinated. The Auracanas and Marans both lay blue and green eggs Araminta.

Here's a pic of our new fox-proof pen (built by a builder) and inside the new nesting boxes waiting to have straw put in them. There's a perch there for them too.

Selby, Victoria

Araminta's picture

That is one hell of a great chook pen!!! You'll love it!! There is nothing like fresh eggs.


kathiemt's picture

Araminta wrote:

That is one hell of a great chook pen!!! You'll love it!! There is nothing like fresh eggs.

lol, I know. You'll have to come over to have a look sometime!

Selby, Victoria

Araminta's picture

Now here is what my daughter told me:

The blue eggs are from a breed called Araucana, but the guys here in Gembrook dont sell them. They are not very pretty birds and are quite flighty. Richard and Graeme only sell Barnevelders. They are quite rare and beautifully quiet and big birds with medium egg production. If they want good calm birds that make great pets and lay an egg EVERY day you need to get Isa Browns. Hope this helps. Sim xxxx

Richard and Greame are on a holiday right now, but will be back next week. Details follow.


Araminta's picture

Here is a link to their website, they are good friends of my daughter and her husband. They are a lovely couple: Heres the link to their website. Make sure they say that Hugh and Simone sent them. They are in Bali at the moment though, I I think they are back next week.


kathiemt's picture

Thanks, yes, I've seen their site. Been exploring.

The Lavender Arucana can be seen here They have them at Abundant Layers. The other we want is a silver or gold laced wyandotte.

The IsaBrowns are dominating (so I've been told) and can pick on other birds.  So we've decided upon Australorps instead, which are apparently gentle birds and great with children.

Selby, Victoria

sparrow's picture

 A mate of mine has kept Australorps for many years they are fair layers and lay very large eggs he has just added four isa browns to increase egg production (he has 7 kids) The reason he keeps Austalorps is because they are dual purpose and when they stop laying they end up on the table , farmers have no hearts ! , but now the kids are getting older they know when one is "missing" and won't eat it!

My wifes  "Girls" lay six eggs every day four large and two idy-bidy ones and there is only two of us so most are given away .

the grankids love the tiny silky eggs.

Araminta's picture



pangpuilan's picture

Dear Kathiemt, can you share details of the builder who built your chook pen? We are also planning to build a fox proof run but don't know any builder who is interested. We live in the Emerald area.

kathiemt's picture

Jodans Building Services. Daniel is the guy to speak to. 0411 212 473 or email


Selby, Victoria

pangpuilan's picture

Hi Kathiemt, thank you for the information, I will contact Daniel as soon as we have finished the plans.

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