Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

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clif2's picture
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

I was out in the native plant section of Mt Cootha Botanical Gardens doing some flower photos, when this Cockatoo landed a few mtrs in front of me and raised the crest for me. This was taken with my macro lens to give you an idea how close they were until a worker on a quad bike scared them off.

birdie's picture

Lucky you Shane ....  they are real characters aren't they?   Lovely shots of an iconic bird :)

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Araminta's picture

Excellent photos Shane, I love them.



Nothing better than a great shot of our lovely cockatoos.They look magic with their crests raised. Adore the first one look like he is saying "Whatcha looking at"

clif2's picture

Thanks for your comments, it is amazing sometimes how you can chase a bird around the bush for some time and not get a good photo then out of the blue they will land right in front of you. I have had this happen with Spotted Pardalotes twice now and it always seems to be when I have my macro lens with me. I might need to ditch my other lenses I think.



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