Superb Fairy Wren fights himself

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Superb Fairy Wren fights himself

I saw  a SFW perched on a cars side mirror and repeatedly jumping towards the car window. At the time I thought he must be after some insect that was stuck in the window seal and trying to dig it out. Looking at the pics later, im sure he saw his reflection in the window and was very angry at seeing a rival so close and ended up and having a big fight with himself!  (My camera and me are not very good at moving targets and these are the best shots from a number of his attacks, not a single sequence)

george's picture

fantastic pics

Araminta's picture

Great photos. The Wrens and White-browed Scrubwrens at my place do that for hours in spring, just before the mating season. I used to think they are trying to get ridd of that gorgeous looking rival in the mirrorwink. You never know, he might come out and get the girls before you docrying


Annie W
Annie W's picture

Fantastic series WhistlingDuck.  He looks like he's saying towards the end, "well if you're not going to come out & fight me like a man, I'm comin' in after, how do you get into this thing"... or something like that laugh.  Love these!

West Coast Tasmania

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