On Saturday I witnessed 2 brown falcons, at the top of their game, copulating at the top of a drooping she-oak (spare the riboldity, Araminta)at a distance of about 150 hundred metres. That is, I was at a distance of about 150 metres from the falcons, not the falcons from each other, you will understand. Due to privacy issues, I refrained from taking a photo & have since been castigated by the editor of The News of the World. (Actually, I was too slow to reach for my pocket camera.)
And today, while I was treadling my trusty treadly through Strathalbyn, I was attacked by the 1st magpie of the season. It came out of the sun at 12 o'clock. Fortunately, my magpie protection helmet enabled me to treadle on unharmed.
Of Brown Falcons & Magpies
Tue, 02/08/2011 - 06:55
Of Brown Falcons & Magpies