Take the opportunity.

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Rick N
Rick N's picture
Take the opportunity.

With the crazy weather in SA for the last couple of months it really has paid to make the most of any lull, so it was down to the local wetlands on Sunday afternoon.Though the light was fading it wasn't raining and there were still a few resident birds around. Hailing as I am writing this :-)

( Anthropomorphism time :-))

Pensive Australasian Grebe starting to show a little colour.

Lonely looking Grebe showing more colour.

Contemplative Eurasian Coot.

Inquisitive Reed Warbler

Focussed Swamphen

On guard Pacific Black Duck

brian63's picture

Stunning photo's Rick great to see you made the most of the lull. You guys certainly have been copping it lately.


laza's picture

Stunning photos as always Rick especially in that light

Love the swamphen

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

Reflex's picture

Smart move to get out while you could. From what I've seen on the news SA has really copped some destructive weather lately but it looks like it's moving on now. Great shot of the Reed Warbler hiding away.

Samford Valley Qld.

Devster's picture

Nice shots, especially love the Pac Black photo, you must have been nearly in the water to take that shot.


Great eye level shots across the water ... lovely shots of all of them

HelloBirdy's picture

Great shot, especially love the colours of the swamphen, and some nice captions. Not sure about the on guard pacific black duck though, he seems more like a cheeky fellow getting ready to flick some water at you or your camera

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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