Saw these two terns with a group of Crested Terns at Maroubra Beach Sydney. I assume these two are same species as they were together. My best guess is common terns - because of the blacker tail feathers. Unusually for me when asking for an id - this time i actually have good photos! Appreciate any help - thanks.
#1 with #2 in background
#1 again
I'd go with Common Tern - like you said, due to the blacker tail feathers. Otherwise it looks similar to immature white-fronted terns.
According to my field guide the Common Tern looks like the best match.
Dave, Sydney.
Thanks dave - common tern seems the best match, and some do stay over winter.
These are both 1st year White-fronted Terns. The broad white upper edge to the primaries on the folded wing is the main feature that can be seen in these photos which separates these from Common Terns.
I'm happy to second this. I also noticed the broad white upper edge to primaries, but I have limited experience of terns in the field (rarely visit the coast) so was unwilling to call WF or Common. Note that while some Common do overwinter, they are mainly present in summer, White-fronted being the winter replacement.
Thanks SteveM and Owl for the id and explanation - much appreciated!