Thornleigh Walk

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Thornleigh Walk

Went for a short walk along the cyclepath that goes through the bush and up the hill near the start of the Thornleigh to Hornsby bush track in Sydney. Amazed how much i saw in a short distance -

Brown Gerygone

Brown Thornbill

Eastern Yellow Robin


Satin Bowerbird

Olive Backed Oriole

Little Wattlebird

Brown Cuckoo Dove

Reflex's picture

 You're doing well lately.That would have been four new species for me. 

I must get out this week-end!

Samford Valley Qld.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

What an amazing variety from one short walk WD!  Can't pick a particular favourite, although I love how you've caught the Thornbill all scruffy and mid scratch, and the fanned tail in that last Cuckoo Dove shot is really spectacular.  Would be so nice if every short walk anywhere was filled with such a variety of birdlife, wouldn't it!  Is that a spot you frequent regularly WD?

West Coast Tasmania


Thanks Reflex ... nothing new for me, but only had an occasional glimpse of satin bowerbird and cuckoo dove before, so pleased to see them again

Thanks AnnieJ .... I had been once before, but followed a track deep into the bush and saw not much. This time I went through the fringes of the bush and as well as what I posted there were kookaburras, spinebills, Rosellas, red wattlebirds, lorrikeets. At top of the agenda for a return visit. 

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Great spot for a walk! Lovely photos.

Would have been eight new for mesmiley

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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