Topknot Pigeon

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Nahar's picture
Topknot Pigeon

I saw this beautiful pigeon for the first time in Galgabba Point. They are generally seen in large flocks but this one was single - perhaps banished from the group !!

It was perched quite high up  

pacman's picture

he looks like a young bird


Nahar's picture

Thanks for your comment Peter. I checked in Simpson-Day Guide, the juvenile has a rather yellow beak and less prominent crest. Did you mean young-adult - a late teenager perhaps!! Its size was good 1.5ft or so.

Araminta's picture

I have never seen one before. How big are they? (1.5ft means nothing to me, what is that in cm?) The head looks rather small on a large body? Nice photo Nahar.


Nahar's picture

Sorry - 1.5ft is about 45cm. It was sitting quite high and the angle of the shot and the posture may give the impression of a smallish head. I saw it only for a few seconds before it flew off. This is the only shot I took.

pacman's picture

Nahar wrote:

Thanks for your comment Peter. I checked in Simpson-Day Guide, the juvenile has a rather yellow beak and less prominent crest. Did you mean young-adult - a late teenager perhaps!! Its size was good 1.5ft or so.

on 1st glimpse I had the 'young bird' impression, looking again I beleive that speckled breast led to this impression as the ones I have seen have a solid grey breast


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