Some times you just get lucky. While filming our black friend a second one paid a visit. Just hope they may show up again so I can try to show the colour and marking differences more clearly.
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Wow! That surely must be rare? Wonder if either will breed with the locals and pass on some of those genes? Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Ms Wombat, yes like winning the lottery. Hopefully they will. I'm not sure how this all works but the bulk of our Rosellas are (to my observation) green...the ones from down your way, having seem the greens in tassie I see no real diference between them and the locals in general, except for the yellows and they are in the minority. That may be the reason...they are very hybrized to start with? ad.
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Wow,that is fantastic David. They look quite healthy as well,unlike albinos and some other hybrids.
Thanks NathanY, They act the same as the others—just a little more timid. Their feather are clean and shiney, eyes clear and bright and no visible battle scars. No idea how old they are, imagine by their condition and size they are juveniles. Just hope they survive and make the occasional visit so can learn more about them. ad