Wader for ID

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Wader for ID

Saw this wader at Newcastle NSW overseeing a bunch of sharpies! 

Hope someone can help with an id :)

timrp's picture

I'm guessing Common Greenshank but im not experienced at shorebirds. Was this at stockton sandspit?


Thanks Tim ... yes was at Stockton Sandspit

SteveM's picture

I'll 2nd Common Greenshank.


Thanks Steve !

davethewonder's picture

Haha. Good to see you ended up visiting the Sandspit!

I've learned that the lighting is much better there in the morning than the afternoon!!

Dave, Sydney. 


I have been there before, its a great spot, so many species in a small area - you probably have to factor in the tides as well to get best conditions. Nothing in great quantity this time - which made it easier to spot different species - saw eastern curlew, whimbrel, red capped plover, pacific golden plover (some in breeding plummage), gull billed terns, caspian tern, striated heron, grey tailed tatler, juvenile immature and adult sea eagles, red necked stints, sharpies, avocets, godwits inculding a black tailed godwit.  

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