Wedge tailed eagle and magpie

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dicutting10's picture
Wedge tailed eagle and magpie

Hi Shorty

Here are a couple of the shots

cheers diane

sparrow's picture

Great photos ,I love the determination of maggies defending their territory, what is it with black and white birds they all seem to be more than willing to take on anything no matter the size or danger.

I posted a photo a while back (not as good as yours) of a maggpie  actually ripping feathers from the back of a wedge tailes head , thats brave !

Araminta's picture

Great Photos Dianeyes

Sparrow is right about the black & white birds, but also Ravens. I saw a Wagtail chasing a Wedge tailed Eagle above my house almost taking a mouse out of the Eagle's beak. It seemed the much larger Eagle had no chance, couldn't turn fast enough while the smaller bird attacked from all sides.


rawshorty's picture

Excellent, Diane. Looks like you got pretty close?

All the Raptors get harassed by the Black and Whitesangry

Shorty......Canon gear


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