Where ever I look, where ever I turn, there are birds singing, pairing up and some are working hard on their nests, while others are feeding some young.The Swallows have inspected last year's nest, then suddenly a second male turned up, trying to get in on the action. There was lots of darting about and fighting and attacking in the air.Now only two are left, no idea what happened to No3?
Just before , the happy couple sat on my FV antenna.
just landed
his girl
they are busy patching up a few holes in the old nest
one more......picture without words.....
where the hell are you????
Great shots. You are lucky, swallows here never seem to perch anywhere. I'm frustrated with my attempts to catch them in flight. All I get is sky.......lol
I love these little birds, and love watching them fly. These show the nice detail of their colouring.
Brisbane southside.