What bird is this?

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fongling18's picture
What bird is this?

Can anyone please tell me what bird is this? I took this shot in Malaysia. I think it is an juvenile Asian Glossy Starling but not really sure. Thank you.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Hi Ling, I'm sorry I can't answer your ID question, but just thought it worth a mention that you may wish to post these ID queries, in future, the correct section of the Forum, which is "Identifications" - this section is more for technical/uploading type help and admin announcements, that sort of thing.  I hope you don't mind me pointing that out smiley, I just think you may get a faster response/help with ID's and more members who are brilliant at ID's would see your post too, if posted in the correct section in future.  That aside, whatever it is, it is a beautiful looking bird!

West Coast Tasmania

Elsie's picture

I have never seen one of these before. However having done some research, I think that you are spot on with the Asian Glossy Starling. It is a lovely birdsmiley

fongling18's picture

Elsie, thank you.


fongling18's picture

Hi Annie,

I have posted the question in Identification session as per your advice. Thank you.


lorne.johnson@dow.catholic.edu.au's picture

GS sounds right to me. Very similar to ours in Australia. LJ 

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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