I saw three of these birds flying in the sky and making loud noises. I managed to capture only one with shutter speed set at 1/250 sec so the pictures were not that sharp. Do you happen to know what it is from the unusual wing and body shapes? I did have a look at the Guide Book but could not find a match ?
Hmm really not sure, but my best idea is maybe a Rock Dove?
Tegan - Melbourne Vic.
Maybe male Figbird, but also not sure.
It is a Channel Billed Cuckoo.
I agree with Tim for CB Cuckoo. They are very noisy while flying and the red eye in the first pick was the clue for me.
+1 CBC, here is the 4th pic of a series of 4 CBC in flight pics, this pic clearly shows the tail band and wing edging evident in your pic
Thanks Tegan, snail, Timothy, Devster and Peter for confirming that it is a Channel-Billed Cuckoo.