What kind of Cuckoo?

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Araminta's picture
What kind of Cuckoo?

I'm reposting this photo here, it's the one I thought the Golden Whistlers are bringing up. I think it is too grey to be a Fan-tailed Cuckoo, It has a yellow eyering though. The tail was still very short.

I think it might be a Palied Cuckoo, but both their juveniles are rather brown?  So could I be misinterpreting the hole situation?  Maybe the Cuckoo is not a young, but has just deposited his egg in the Whistler's nest???? ,and that was the reason why they were hovering so close to him?? I did not see them actually feed the Cuckoo, just assumed.

Any help to get to the bottom of this will be appreciated.

I will try to get a better photo tomorrow.

---'s picture

after you told me no one had replied,i decided i better find out for myself :p

aaaand i think it's a juvenile Fan-Tailed Cuckoo,but if you could get a photo of the face,it would be easy to confirm what it is

Araminta's picture

Thanks for looking Nathan, I have a photo of a juvenile Fan-tailed Cuckoo, it came to a very sudden end when it hit my window. (very sad). The one in the tree being raised by the G Whistler is grey and has a very yellow ring around his eyes. Have a look at the difference in colour.

(the internet is having problems, the photo will come up in it's own time,I think?)


Woko's picture

I'm wondering if it's a pallid cuckoo.

Araminta's picture

That's what I thought Woko, but their young are more brown too, that's what made me think, it might have just deposited his egg in the Whistler's nest, as opposed to pretending to be their Baby?


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