I went back to the park where I had seen the Black-Shouldered Kites a few weeks ago, and while I heard one kite screeking away, the place was largely deserted. Went down by the river and was just about ready to leave when I saw a great White-Bellied Sea Eagle come swooping up the river towards me.
Just noticed it's was gripping a fish in its talons. Strange since it spent a few minutes circling around above the cattle paddock without looking for somewhere to eat its lunch.
Other photos were taken at Wynnum. The White Winged Trillers were busily building a nest (last time I was there it was just the male who was doing the building, but the female appears to have either given up waiting, or decided to get involved..
Was watching for something else when I spotted a bird sitting quietly nearby, which appears to be a Latham's Snipe. New one for me. :)
While we're contributing White-necked Heron photos, here's my favourite from today. :)
Despite it being a wetlands, it is really showing the signs of a lack of rain.
Awesome White-bellied Sea-eagle captures windshear!! Maybe it was taking the fish to it's young? Hahaha, the female White-winged Triller might be a bit hormonal & fixing up the poor males "mistakes" ..."Oh for heavens sake dear, I didn't say there, I said over there! Have to do everything myself if I want it right...mumble mumble".
Beautiful shots
West Coast Tasmania
Good spotting to get the Sea Eagle with prey My wish is to get a shot of one grabbing the fish (maybe one day)
Congrats on the Latham's Snipe
Great pics
Shorty......Canon gear
Thanks guys.
Ruby - Previously she would sit in the next tree over and watch him building the nest, occasionally fly in to inspect his tradesbirdship, and then fly off again.
Definitely a possibility it took it back to its nest. It circled around overhead for quite a while before disappearing into a far paddock.
Shorty: I'm somewhat shamed to say that I didn't even notice what it was holding until I looked at them while posting them here.
Guess you have to be in the right place at the right time for some of those dream shots.