White-Browed Scrub Wrens

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sue818's picture
White-Browed Scrub Wrens

Thought these might be interesting as they show the difference between the male (first photo) and the female White-Browed Scrub Wren. These little ones are never shy but this pair were intent on their reflections in a mirror which a friend had recently placed near her front door. It made a change from the side mirror on my car.


Araminta's picture

That's very interesting , I have never seen them look in a mirror. The ones I have at my place are not that yellow either. I have observed a pair . First I thought a parent feeding a young, but no, the male feeds little worms to his wife from time to time. I have seen them do this a few times. Have you noticed that?


sue818's picture

I would love to see that but have not observed it as yet. I have been house-sitting in the highlands South of Sydney and catch what I can when I visit. I think that the yellow may be a trick of the light under the porch but I will be more observant as they come out into the natural light.  However, they do look a bit darker than the ones near my home in Sydney. FYI the Grey Shrike Thrush also came to sing to the mirror.


Araminta's picture

Haha, the Grey S Thrush was probably after some spiders on the mirror.



Beautiful shots Sue.

sue818's picture

Hi M-L, my other photos suggest that these little ones vary a bit in colour around her from buff to a bit more yellow. I did observe the wrens picking bugs off the doors but not the Grey Shrike Thrush. The Thrush has nested under the porch in the basket of artificial flowers for the last few years but the mirror seems to have put it off this season.Just when I had a better camera with me!

Araminta's picture

I have two Grey Shrike Thrush, (es?) both come a few times during the day to pick spiders from around the house. They must know that I'm not a mad cleaner.wink


darinnightowl's picture

Thanks showing us the different in two birds.

See it!  Hear it!

Mid-North Coast NSW

Woko's picture

Or you must know they're coming to pick off the spiders, Araminta!

Nice shots, sue. I think this species vary quite a lot.

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