Wildife & Habitat Restoration

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Woko's picture
Wildife & Habitat Restoration

For anyone who's interested some photos of what Ms Woko & I have been doing on the s.e. slopes of the Mt Lofty Ranges & some of the wildife results are available at http://tinyurl.com/hjqdex4.

HelloBirdy's picture

Seems like you are doing some great work and reaping the benefits. 

What you've got labelled as a common brown 02 adult male I think is a Silver xenia or something similar, and definately not a common brown. 

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera


Excellent work Mr & Mrs Woko - lot of hard work too i bet. Those Broadview photos really show a staggering regeneration of the landcsape. You have a great variety of habitats there attracting all forms of life. Great photos of the birdlife too - those Purple-crowned Lorikeets are beautiful. I see a lot of the monthly average of NH honeyeaters sightings occurs in that bird bath!

I couldnt find a tawny frogmouth in that tree until I really zoomed in , hunted about and found one. Took me a minute to notice the other one right beside it.  

Thanks for posting!

Woko's picture

Thanks, guys. It's been a lab our of love, to say the least, bit it's been wonderful to,observe it developing over the years.

Thanks for the comment on the butterfly, Ryu. I'll do some more intense scrutinizing of my butterfly book.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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