These are some pics of a willie wagtail nest in mangroves beside the parramatta river. Were done over a few days from the parents on the eggs, the first day the hatchlings appeared, then over the next few days with the baby birds geting slightly more fuzz on their heads. Sadly, It didnt end well, as the nest was not very deep into the mangroves and it was raided - i think by a raven as i later saw the parents driving a raven out of the tree.
oh I love these photos ................ we were watching a nest in gladstone at police creek closely and then oneday we went to check and it had been destroyed and some one had strung a dead coote in the tree..........i was very sad
Teresa Skerratt
Gardens for Birds Bees and Butterflies
Such a stunning series of shots WhistlingDuck. That fourth shot almost has to be a favourite for me, don't think the baby could have got that mouth any wider if it tried
, beautiful. Might be the way of Natures to be tough hey, but still, things like that make me feel for the birds.
Teresa, that's awful about the Coot, just horrible!! Strung up? So act of humans no doubt do you think?
West Coast Tasmania
Such a stunning series of shots WhistlingDuck. That fourth shot almost has to be a favourite for me, don't think the baby could have got that mouth any wider if it tried
, beautiful. Might be the way of Nature to be tough hey, but still, things like that make me feel for the birds.
Teresa, that's awful about the Coot, just horrible!! Strung up? So act of humans no doubt do you think?
West Coast Tasmania
Great shots. Thats a big feed for a little bird
Shorty......Canon gear
Fantastic series of shots, absolutely stunning
Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well
Thanks for the comments - very upsetting Teresa when the nest is destroyed by humans. In this case Im sure the nest was raided by a raven.
Ruby, the baby birds just seem to be a open mouth on top of tummy that will take anything! The parents were feeding them non-stop.