This girl was up as early as I was. She was hunting worms from the fence post. Then she flew on a branch right in front of me. Too close, sorry, there is no tail, this is the uncropped photo.
( For those of you who remember the Baby Robin with the growth on the beak, I'm sure this is her. Have a close look, there is a mark where the groth was. Or am imagining this?)
I looked through most of my photos of Yellow Robins, I'm now convinced that this is the bird that had this nasty growth , all the others have clean beaks. Here she is as a Baby. Then the growth expanded more, it looks as if it has fallen off and healed now?
That scaly bit around the top of the bill in the first photo indicates that's the bird with the growth when it was younger. Nice to see it's survived, Araminta.
Lovely shots. She's absolutely beautiful! Wish we had these here too...what can I say, I'm greedy
West Coast Tasmania
Ah, Ruby, you might have to make do with dusky, pink, flame & scarlet robins.