the Yellow Robin with lump on her beak

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Araminta's picture
the Yellow Robin with lump on her beak

Some of you will remember the tiny Yellow Robin I took so many photos of, because she had this growth on her beak? I followed her and took many photos of her as she grew up. She stayed with her mother for much longer than the others. As I took more pictures later, the lump was getting smaller, then I hadn't seen her for some time. Today I found her, all grown up. The growth is still there, but much smaller. She has made it, and hopefully will be around for a long time.

Here she is back then, and now:

DSC02691x (1)27.1.2012 DSC01290 (1) 14.5.2012

Holly's picture

She has grown into a lovely little thing M-L. Wonderful that the bump has cleared up. Maybe it was some sort of diet deficincy that has been rectified...

timmo's picture

Cool M-L - I love these photo collections that tell a story, whether life history or behavior.

Good to see she's grown up fine.


clif2's picture

A happy result, that is good to hear.



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