When I heard a strange "ripping noise" this morning, this is what I saw.
(unfortunately the sun was behind the black bird, and I coldn't walk behind it, I still think it is worth looking at?)
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only minutes later,
only minutes later,
sorry for posting twice, there are still problems(?), it took 20 minutes to upload the photos, I almost gave up.
Anyway, it was amazing to watch her at work!
Absolutely worth looking at. It's one of my favourite birds - it has everything - great looks and a great call. The exposure is good. I always find it tricky with a black bird. The site was playing up most of this morning - I couldn't get on at all
ML those photos are lovely. YTBCs are one of my favourites - I love their call.
If the server is being slow to upload images - you can still use flickr or photobucket to upload photos instantly like on the old site.
Beautiful M-L