These Zebra Finches were having a great time in a puddle at the turnoff to Ampilatwatja (said as "Umm-blood-a-which") which is about 300 kms north east of Alice Springs along the Sandover Highway, which is really just a red-dirt road widerr than other roads around the place. There is a roadside stop with a concrete table and chairs and a shelter above. The puddle was right next to the shelter so sitting still for a while gave wonderful views of these delightful little birds.
Well done Richard, would've been good to watch them.
Cheers, Owen.
Hi Owen, thanks, yes it was, so good I had to share it with others, video can be seen on my blog:
I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT
what great pics! especially #3
Great photos Richard, (I remembered your name this time,LOL) Like Peter, I like the reflections in the water of picture No3.
Great shots Richard ..... you are very lucky to have such small packages of delight to watch and photograph
Sunshine Coast Queensland
These really are great Richard. Gotta be proud of catching these little guys.