The berries are ripe.

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desbee's picture
The berries are ripe.

The berries are ripe and the Silvereyes are back!


sparrow's picture

Yes I spotted a few when I was out the other day ,I have had a soft spot for silver eyes since early childhood and love to watch them as they hang from the branches ,lovely photos you have caught the colours just right

Elsie's picture

Wow! that last shot is just stunning! I got my first ever photos of these just yesterday! They are so beautiful.

Thanks for sharingsmiley


That last one is a cracker! Great shot.

I saw the same yesterday, silvereyes eating berries, but they stayed on the shady side of the bush so i didnt manage any good shots.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Isn't it great when a fav shows up back in a familiar spot or shrub.  He/she looks like he is quite possessive about his particular branch of berries in that last shot, a real "mine" shot.  Beautifully captured Des!

West Coast Tasmania

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