Have posted one of these pics before - still not sure of id though.
According to my limited knowledge the eastern grey currawong that is 'supposed' to live here is decidedly grey - would like your thoughts on these please - (pic 1 & 3 look similair to me)
Where would "here' be, Termite? Your location might well help with identification. At first glance I think that's a Grey Currawong.
thank you Woko - lower south east of south oz 20km inland from kingston s.e on bush block
I'm now confident that's a Grey Currawong, Termite.
I am confident that you are right Woko - appreciate you taking time to reply. I note there is a black-winged race specific to this region (and Murray Mallee) S.v. melanoptera - am thinking that's the one - ta muchly
From what I gathered from Graham Pizzey & Frank Knight's The Field Guide to the Birds of Australia the Grey Currawong's colour grades across its range from grey-brown to almost black to black. Some of the race melanoptera can be black with the white wing mark "reduced or nearly absent". Immature birds are browner than adults.