day 5 in the life of the new "wren king"

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Araminta's picture
day 5 in the life of the new "wren king"

Today was a very dark and rainy day, but i still managed to find my friend the Wren, and take some photos of his progress. (not as good as a would like them to be, but they do show the colours) I think he is almost there?  What I find interesting is his behaviour, he now has about 7 girls following him, but although his breeding colours are obvious, he is NOT paying any attention to the girls. (yet?), He goes about his business as if he didn't see them. ?????

Here is what I found today, the black on his chest is finished and the blue is getting very bright. Can't be long now? I wonder wheather his attitude towards the girls will change soon?

DSC03160 (1) DSC03103 (2) DSC03153 (1) DSC03119 (2) sorry, due to the rain and bad weather, todays photos are not that good. I still wanted to show what they look like today though. Hope you appreciate and enjoy them, it was the best I could do.

jfiess78's picture

What a wonderful transformation to capture with photographs, you have done very well indeed Araminta!! I love your photos, just beautiful & what a lovely little bird to see on a grey day ;0)

Karen's picture

He is a lovely bird.  Maybe he just doesn't know it yet?

Brisbane southside.

Owen1's picture

I'm still waiting for my local ones to colour up so maybe I'd better go and check them out soon.

Cheers, Owen.

Holly's picture

I am just loving following his metamorphosis M-L :)



Araminta's picture

Thanks Holly, today's weather is very bad, the rain hasn't stopped. I have seen him though, I think he is almost in full colour. Still doesn't pay any attention to the girls that follow him. He should have had a look at two Yellow Robins mating this morning, could have inspired him? wink blush


soakes's picture

Perhaps all the girls following him around are his sisters?

What time of year do wrens start building nests?

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

Holly's picture

They will be starting to show some interest very soon. You usually see the first breeding attempt by September, usually in August.


Some of those brown birds will be boys too M-L - he might be into that but there won't be any eggs wink There will be one dominant female he is paired with. He will mate with her but, if there are other fairy-wren territories nearby he will probably also go and try and impress girls over there.


Araminta's picture

Thanks for the interesting information. I have just been outside to observe them , there are two more males changing. It will be like last year, there were three territories. I know them so well, I could draw a map of our property and where they go. I haven't seen any challenges last year, there is enough room and food for all of them. I will try to find out which one is the dominant female, how does her behaviour differ from the other girl?

Remember I asked this question often, you seem to have given me the answer, So there might be some interest toward the same sex? (so, gay tendancies do exist in birds?)

Today's photos are not very good, the weather is very wet and gloomy.Might still post some, but try to get better ones first, the day is not over yet.laugh


Woko's picture

Very interesting, Araminta. By the way, that's not black on that bloke's chest. It's deep, deep blue, almost purple.

Karen's picture

Hope to see more as he progresses.  You are so lucky to be able to follow this.

Brisbane southside.

birdie's picture

Sure is a wonderful series of shots M-L ...thanks for persevering and showing everyone  smiley

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Araminta's picture

Here he is today. He has chosen his favourite girl, I think. She seems to stay close by. He doesn't sing as much as he used to? But she does more of singing now. I might turn my attention to her now.

So this will be the last one of him for a while. (but then again......?)

DSC03652 (1) DSC03653 (1)


Karen's picture

Oh, I do hope we'll see more of him, maybe as a bride and groom, and then as a new dad?  He is so beautiful.

Thank you for keeping us up to date with his moulting time.  I loved watching him change into the beauty he is.

Brisbane southside.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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