early this morning

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Araminta's picture
early this morning

sitting on my fence. The female Common Bronzewing (also called Moo-bird at my placewink)

sparrow's picture

Very nice I love the green spots on the wing ,Ha Ha "moo bird" there's not many of us left that would remember the moo bird saga !


Beautiful photos .... lovely colours

Elsie's picture

So prettyheart She looks so soft.

Do the pair of them still visit your house?

Araminta's picture

Thanks Elsieheart Yes they do, but they are not as close as they used to be during the breeding season. For some reason it's the female now , that is very friendly, while he is more often out in the bush on the other side of the fence.

There were several young, but all of them have left. Do you remember when I found a male that had been killed by a cat? It must have been one of the younger ones. Mine (?) are did come back after a few weekssurprise


Elsie's picture

I do remember that, so sadsad It's so nice to have beautiful birds that are so friendlysmiley

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