Should this be the end of this year’s breeding season? It would have to be the effect of the prolonged dry spell, although there are plenty of insects around. Last year the wrens raised one more brood, but as far as I can tell, several of the breeding males are “moulting back into their winter coat” Does that also mean, we will get an early winter? Or do the wrens just think there is no chance of bringing up more young? Any answers are welcome . I followed this guy for a while, hope you find the photos good enough.
Araminta, I think this is about the normal time male superb fairy-wrens under about 4 years of age go into their eclipse plumage. Most of the males around my place are going into their eclipse plumage. Some are more advanced than others. From about now birders will need to be careful lest they identify males in eclipse plumage as females. Any males still in their full blue, black & deep purple finery are likely to be over 4 years of age.
Thanks Woko, I will have no problem idenifying males and females, the tail of the male will still look blueThe question was, is it earlier this year to not produce more young? I just had a look through a few hundred of my wren photos. The last photos of young in 2012 were taken on Februar the 26th. That to me indicates , they stop breeding earlier this year. With the weather the way it is right now, there should have been plenty of time to raise one more brood. What have other members observed? Do the wrens around you area have more young?
Here is a photo of a young taken end of Februar last year.
, still taken with my old camera and a 300mm lens
Nice M-L
I adore your wren photos, and I always send the links so my mom in Oregon can look at the photos too. I always see quite a few fairy wrens in our area when I'm out walking, but the little boogers are shy and flit off before I can get a closer look, much less any halfway decent photos!
Thanks sacrednavel. And what a lovely thing to do, next time you talk to your mom, say hello from me. I’m glad she likes my photos, Wrens are my favourite little birds.