A few from Mt Glorious

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Devster's picture
A few from Mt Glorious

It's been a while since I have done any birding or photography as I am going through a bit of a tough time at the moment due to my marriage seperation. 

So Reflex got me out early Sunday morning and we just just went to one of our local spots up at Mt Glorious.

When we got there we were greated with a cacophony of so many sounds. Mainly birds, cicadas with the odd motorbike or chattering of early morning cyclists.

Our first photos were of a carpet Python basking in the sun So here are a few of my favs from the morning.

Spotted Catbird

Satin Bowerbird

Rose-crowned Fruit Dove - This guyr had just finished mating (Behind folage). His partner left and he just sat there basking in his glory.

Square-tailed Kite

Could not believe how relaxed this guy was and how close he got to us. At one stage we though he was going to dive bomb us.

oconnore51's picture

Just beautiful portraits, thanks.


Woko's picture

Nice to see you're out & about with Reflex' support, Devster. Otherwise we wouldn't be privy to your glorious photos.

Greyson's picture

what great shots!


Its important to take time for one self and enjoy nature during difficult patches. You got a lot of great photos there. Great capture of the cat bird calling and I really like the "bokeh". Brilliant colors all round in the fruit dove photo - the plam leaves above the bird are a great canvas for that shot. Excellent one of the Square tailed Kite.

laza's picture

Absolutely stunning set Dev mate 

I hope the Eco-therapy serves you well 

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

alcatraz's picture

Wow Devster. Stunning set of shots. Fabulous clarity and detail. 

Reflex's picture

It did turn out to be a good morning. You forgot the Python photographs....

Samford Valley Qld.

Linton's picture

Therepy indeed, for any circumstance. The camera lens is a real leveler sometimes. Forces you out of your box to see the real world and not the one we sometimes percieve.  Magnificent shots. 

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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