I have been taking my camera with me when I re-fill the bird bath as I moved it near where the fairy-wren are nesting without realising it until the littles ones hatched and made a racket, mum and dad seem happy with the move and use it more often now it's on their side of the house plus we are getting some silvereyes visit more often now. Anyway back to the youngsters, normally I hear them low in the thick tree deep inside where I can't see but today I heard them higher than normal and when I looked up there they were! I took a photo of two that I could see and left them be as dad was waiting with a bug.
It's great to see the little ones coming out
Keep them coming
Shorty......Canon gear
Nyawwwwwwwwww... I love the second pic... it's like the real world rocked his little mind with how big it is.
How wonderful !!!! I haven't seen any yet
I think they are still deciding where to build a nest. Although, the boys are just lazing about and not that many girls. That means they are sitting.
I love the first photo, I just can't go past little tails. Well done