looks like a wren but its not - I think

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peterseaford's picture
looks like a wren but its not - I think

G'day - we have a wilder kind of domestic garden with a pond and dotted with bir baths.

Feed magpies and put out seed and bread scraps for whoever.

Early in the mornings near our pond we have several visitors - three or four - brown in colour - but look like a small sparrow,

they do not have a tail like a wren and they are just in and out and its just after dawn.

anybody sighted thes fellows - we are in Seaford Victoria but inland not near either the creek , wetlands or beach.

appreciate your opinions



Araminta's picture

Hi Peter, do they look like the bird in my photo? They hang out with the wrens, and are about the size you are talking about.

The one in my photo is a White-browed Scrubwren. What do you think?


peterseaford's picture

that looks just like the bird and i makes a high twittering sound - flits about vey fast

thanks very much



Araminta's picture

O good, I just saw a few outside having a drink. This one was sitting in the sun, that's why it looks bright. Mostly they look browner and a bit darker. I'm glad I could help.


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