I've been noticing a new type of bird around beenleigh (qld). It is a medium to large bird and looks long and slim in flight. They fly in pairs. I saw them this afternoon, but was only able to snap a 'Loch Ness monster' sort of photo [I've added three more shots taken this morning -- whatever it is, it freakedout a water hen].
I think it makes a 'cuck-coo' noice, or a growling sound.
Any hope of an identification? I'll keep trying get a better shot of it.
Yep Channel-billed Cuckoo
Thank you both. I'll I have to do now is get a good clear shot of it. Kind regards.
Michael, Beenleigh Qld
Quite often the Channel-billed cuckoos will leave their eggs in the crows nests. We've just had a couple hatch around our area, the poor crows don't know what's going on! And why their babies are so big!
That's probably why it's hanging out with the crows in your pictures :) That or the Crows are chasing off one that's trying to lay in their nest.