The pardalotes are very popular at the moment - but they are such a beautiful little bird. I called in at "my tree" where the little striated pardalotes are nesting just to check on them. Unfortunately when I pop in during the morning the sun is in the wrong position for good photos, and if I go in the afternoon, light good - no pardalotes. Anyhow, I have noticed before there seems to be 3 of them - can anyone explain this one. Also have observed that they seem to be hot when they come out of the nest and they flap their wings I guess to cool down. I can see in the last photo the difference between the male and female
I have observed the wing stretch in pic 2 a number of times and it seemed to be courtship associated
Hi Peter
Do you think that is what it is - they/she tends to do it a lot - could be right sometimes it is done at the entrance to the tunnel
How is Goulburn going?
Cheers Diane
I was asked to come to Parkes in lieu of Goulburn, should be good birding out here
Could you have a look at the unidentified bird that I posted and give me your opinion - don't quite agree with the answer given.
Thanks Diane
Nice ones, Diane. Can't wait to see the little ones when they come.
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