more urban victims

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Araminta's picture
more urban victims

In the Aldi car park was a long row of beautiful healthy Callistemons. Every year I parked my car infront of them to sit and watch the Honeyeaters feed on the many flowers. Two weeks ago the owner of the bottle shop cut all but two down. Nothing left. This morning I parked next to the two remaining trees. Several Noisies fighting to get to the flowers. You tell me why, why , why???Why were they cut down? I took some photos, thinking about if only the birds could take revenge? The revenge will be:  one day it will be our turn, when no environment is left, then it will be us.

Look around, short sighted idiots everywhere.angryangryangry

Araminta's picture

This bird was sitting on the fence where the trees were only two days ago. It was clearly looking for them and was confusedcrying


windshear's picture

sad People just don't think, or choose to see. sad

I was out birding today and the number howling banshee children running through the rainforest was just absurd. One guy told me to f-off because I asked him politely to wait 20 seconds so I could take a photo of a bird feeding happily on the walking track. He blundered on through (obviously ignoring the bird which flew off). *sigh* Why do people go to these places if not to actually enjoy nature, I wonder.

Thankfully the little bird was nicer than the man, and soon came back. smiley

Anyway, I think that people have become oblivious to 'ordinary' nature. They see magpies (and think they're going to attack) and butcherbirds, and noisy miners around, but don't ask themselves WHY they're around, or why they go away when you knock down every tree in sight.

dicutting10's picture

That is so sad - both posts. We certainly have a lot to answer for not only to the birds, the animals as well removing their natuiral habitat, they call it "progress".  Unfortunately the average person doesn't give a damn about the birds or animals and I don't know how you get through to them, a lot of people I know think that I am strange because I care about the birds and love finding out new things about them (even how to spell their names correctly).  But getting back to the noisy minors - think I would have stormed in and asked them why they cut down the bushes - was it for more car parking?


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