I found an old little notebook from some holidays a while back where I've written down some diagnostic features of a bird, wonder if anyone can lends a hand :)
1)Black all over with white collar, black beak, similar size to turtle spotted dove.
2)Black bird, about size of raven, white tips along fanned tail, chough?
3)Plump grey bird, plain, small approx. sized of white browed scrubwren or yellow thornbill, small stripe on edge of primary wing.
4) Slightly bigger then Yellow Thornbill, like oisy miner, hint of yellow near underside rump, kind of screaming call, orange/yellow beak.
I don't expect much but any ideas are appreciated. I can't give anymore detail as I only have what I wrote down to go off. Thanks
need some help with ID
Sun, 08/08/2010 - 02:42
need some help with ID
Hi Amateur :)
1) A White Throated Nightjar?
2) A Currawong ? the chough doesn't have the white fan tail
3) A Female Robin?
4) don't know
guess not :P